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    » استايل تومبيلات ستايل ترايد ويب العربية الذي اشتاق إليه الجميع الان مجاني للجميع Every Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah Subscr10الإثنين سبتمبر 10, 2018 1:10 am من طرف الأخ تامر مسعد» ممكن كتابه اسم المنتدى على هذه الواجههEvery Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah Subscr10الأحد مايو 06, 2018 1:04 pm من طرف حفيد الصحابه» السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتهEvery Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah Subscr10الأحد مايو 06, 2018 12:19 pm من طرف حفيد الصحابه»  تحميل برنامج Moysar for Computer 2013 المصحف الالكتروني للكمبيوتر اخر اصدار مجانا Every Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah Subscr10الأربعاء مايو 02, 2018 1:09 am من طرف ام بسمة» تحميل برنامج الآذان للكمبيوتر 2015 مجانا Every Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah Subscr10الأربعاء مايو 02, 2018 1:07 am من طرف ام بسمة» المصحف المعلم لدار الوسيلة للشيخين المنشاوي والحذيفي + نسخة محمولةEvery Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah Subscr10الأربعاء مايو 02, 2018 1:01 am من طرف ام بسمة» تلاوة من سورة الإعراف : وسورة إبراهيم بصوت الشيخ رضا سلمانEvery Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah Subscr10الجمعة مارس 09, 2018 4:02 am من طرف الأخ تامر مسعد» قرار جديد من ادارة المنتدى لجميع الاعضاء والمسؤلين بالموقعEvery Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah Subscr10الجمعة مارس 09, 2018 3:41 am من طرف الأخ تامر مسعد» نبضُ الاسرة Every Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah Subscr10الأربعاء فبراير 28, 2018 6:18 pm من طرف ali0» كتاب ام المؤمنين ام القاسم كتاب مسموع وما لا تعرفه عنهاEvery Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah Subscr10السبت يناير 13, 2018 2:34 am من طرف شموخى» شركة تسليك مجاري شمال الرياضEvery Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah Subscr10السبت يناير 13, 2018 2:34 am من طرف شموخى»  شيبة بن عثمان ابن أبي طلحةEvery Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah Subscr10السبت يناير 13, 2018 2:33 am من طرف شموخى» من قصص البخاري العجيبة ومن اروع ما قرأت Every Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah Subscr10السبت يناير 13, 2018 2:25 am من طرف شموخى» ممكن ترحيب وشكراEvery Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah Subscr10الإثنين يناير 08, 2018 8:30 pm من طرف jassim1» متلازمة ستكلرEvery Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah Subscr10الخميس يناير 04, 2018 6:15 pm من طرف عبير الورد»  التاتاه عند الاطفالEvery Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah Subscr10الخميس يناير 04, 2018 6:14 pm من طرف عبير الورد»  نصائح للتعامل مع المكفوفينEvery Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah Subscr10الخميس يناير 04, 2018 6:13 pm من طرف عبير الورد» علامات التوحد الخفيف Every Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah Subscr10الخميس يناير 04, 2018 6:12 pm من طرف عبير الورد» التسامح والصبر في الحياة الزوجيةEvery Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah Subscr10الخميس يناير 04, 2018 6:10 pm من طرف عبير الورد» مكافحة النمل الابيض قبل البناءEvery Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah Subscr10الخميس يناير 04, 2018 6:07 pm من طرف عبير الورد

    أضف إهدائك

    الأخ تامر مسعد قال السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
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    : منتديات أور إسلام تتمنى من جميع الأعضاء الالتزام بالقوانين بارك الله فيكمشعاري قرآني قال سبحان الله و الحمد لله و لا اله الا الله وحدة لا شريك لله له الملك و له الحمد و هو على كل شئ قدير
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    نور 13 قال اللهم اشفي اختي في الله ( امة الله )
    الجمعة أبريل 12, 2013 11:36 pm ...
    : الهم رب الناس اذهب البأس عن أخاتنا امة الله واشفها يا رب العالمين شفاءا لا يغادر سقماأبومحمد قال أسالُكم الدعاء لى بالشفاء ولجميع المسلمين
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    Every Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah 349967

    أسالُ الله تبارك وتعالى أن يحفظكم جميعاً من كل سوء

    أسالك الدعاء لى بالشفاء حيث أجريت عمليه لاستخراج حصوه أنا وجميع مرضى المسلمين
    يجب تسجيل الدخول لنشر الرسائل
    اسم الدخول:كلمة السر:
    قم بتسجيلي تلقائيا كل:

    :: نسيت كلمة السر
    يجب تسجيل الدخول لنشر الرسائل
    اسم الدخول:كلمة السر:
    قم بتسجيلي تلقائيا كل:

    :: نسيت كلمة السر


    Every Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah

    استعرض الموضوع التالي استعرض الموضوع السابق اذهب الى الأسفل
    شمس الغروب
    عضو مشارك

    شمس الغروب

    المهنة : Every Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah Collec10
    الجنس : انثى
    علم الدوله : Every Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah 46496510
    العمر : 25
    تاريخ التسجيل : 22/07/2010
    عدد المساهمات : 755

    Every Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah _
    #1مُساهمةموضوع: Every Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah   Every Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah Subscr10الأحد أغسطس 29, 2010 7:00 am

    Every Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah

    Fiqh-us-Sunnah.. Taharah (Purification), Wudu ,Ghusul
    by Sayyid Saabiq



    The shari'ah has divided water into four kinds:

    -1- mutlaq water,

    -2- used water (for purification),

    -3- water mixed with pure elements and

    -4- water mixed with impure elements. We shall discuss each of them separately.

    : Mutlaq water

    This kind of water is
    considered pure because of its inherent purity and as such, it can be
    used by an individual to purify him or herself. It consists of the
    following categories

    Rain water, snow, and hail

    These substances are pure
    because Allah says so: "And sent down water from the sky upon you, that
    thereby He might purify you..." (al-Anfal 1), and "We send down
    purifying water from the sky" (al-Furqan 48). This is also supported by
    the following hadith: Abu Hurairah reported that the Messenger of Allah,
    upon whom be peace, used to be silent between the (opening) takbir of
    the prayer and the verbal Qur'anic recitation. Abu Hurairah asked him,
    "O Messenger of Allah, may my father and mother be sacrificed for you,
    why do you remain silent between the takbir and the recital? What do you
    say (silently during that time)?" He said, "I say, 'O Allah, make a
    distance between me and my sins similar to the distance you have made
    between the East and the West. O Allah, cleanse me of my sins in the
    manner that a white garment (is cleansed) from dirt. O Allah, wash my
    sins from me with snow, water, and hail."' This hadith is related by the
    "group", except for at-Tirmizhi.

    Sea water

    Sea water's purity is based on
    the following hadith: Abu Hurairah related that a man asked the
    Messenger of Allah, upon whom be peace, "O Messenger of Allah, we sail
    on the ocean and we carry only a little water. If we use it for
    ablution, we will have to go thirsty. May we use sea water for
    ablution?" Said the Messenger of Allah, upon whom be peace, "Its (the
    sea) water is pure and its dead (animals) are lawful (i.e., they can be
    eaten without any prescribed slaughtering)." This hadith is related by
    "the five." At-Tirmizhi calls it hassan sahih, and al-Bukhari says it is

    Water from the well of Zamzam

    'Ali narrated that the
    Messenger of Allah, upon whom be peace, called for a bucket that
    contained water from the well of Zamzam. He drank from the bucket, then
    made ablution (with its water). This hadith is related by Ahmad.

    Altered water

    This involves water whose form
    has been altered because of its being in a place for a long period of
    time, or because of the place in which it is located, or because of its
    being mixed with a substance that cannot be completely reEvery Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah Thread_movedd
    from it (i.e., water mixed with algae, tree leaves, and so on). The
    scholars agree that this type of water falls under the heading of mutlaq

    The rationale is simple:
    everything that falls under the general term of water, without any
    further qualifications, is considered pure, for the Qur'an says, "...and
    if you find not water, then go to clean, high ground..." (al-Ma'idah

    Used water

    This category refers to water
    which drips from the person after he performs ablution or ghusl. It is
    considered pure because it was pure before its use for ablution, and
    there is no basis to think that it has lost its purity. This statement
    is supported by the hadith of Rab'i bint Mu'wazh which describes the
    ablution of the Messenger of Allah. She states, "He wiped his head with
    (the water) remaining on his hands from his ablution." This hadith is
    related by Ahmad and Abu Dawud. Abu Dawud's version is, "The Messenger
    of Allah, upon whom be peace, wiped his head with the extra water that
    was in his hand." Abu Hurairah also reported that the Messenger of Allah
    met him alone in the streets of Madinah while he was in post-sex
    impurity. He therefore slipped away, made ghusl and returned. The
    Messenger of Allah, upon whom be peace, asked him "Where have you been,
    Abu Hurairah?" He answered, "I was in post-sex impurity and did not want
    to sit with you while I was in that condition." The Prophet replied,
    "Glory be to Allah. The believer does not become impure." This is
    related by "the group."

    This is based on the rationale
    that since a believer never becomes impure, the water he uses for
    purification also does not become impure. Thus, a pure object touching a
    pure object cannot result in one's becoming impure. Ibn al-Munzhir said
    that it is related that 'Ali, Ibn 'Umar, Abu Umamah, 'Ata, al-Hassan,
    Makhul and anNakha'i said that if a person forgot to wipe his head while
    making ablution, it is sufficient for him to wipe his head with any
    water remaining in his beard. Ibn al-Munzhir stated that this proves
    that they took "used water" as pure. This opinion comes from one of the
    narrations attributed to Malik and ash-Shaf'i. Ibn Hazm ascribes it to
    Sufyan al-Thauri, Abu Thaur, and all scholars of the Zhahiri school of

    Water mixed with pure elements

    This category includes water
    that has been mixed with substances like soap, saffron, flowers, and so
    on, that is, objects considered pure by the shari'ah. Such water is
    considered pure as long as it has not been so mixed with other
    substances that one can no longer call it water. If this is the case,
    the water is still considered pure, but it cannot be used for
    purification. Umm 'Atiyah narrated that the Messenger of Allah, upon
    whom be peace, entered her house after the death of his daughter Zainab
    and said, "Wash her three or five or more times--if you see fit to do
    so--with water and dry tree leaves. For the final washing, use some
    kafoor or something from kafoor. When you are finished, inform me." She
    did so, after which he gave the women his outer garment and told them to
    wrap Zainab in it. This was related by "the group."

    The deceased should be washed
    with something that may purify a live person. Ahmad, an-Nasa'i and Ibn
    Khuzaimah record from Umm Hani that the Messenager of Allah and Maimunah
    washed themselves from one (water) container that had a trace of dough
    in it. In both of these hadith, we find that the water was mixed with
    another substance, but since the other substance was not substantial
    enough to alter its nature, it remained fit for consumption.

    Water mixed with impure elements

    We can divide this category into two sub-categories:

    -1- The impure substance alters the taste, Every Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah Collapse_tcator
    or odor of the water. In this case, it can not be used for
    purification. According to Ibn al-Munzhir and Ibn al-Mulaqqin, there is a
    consensus on this point.

    -2- The liquid is still considered water, meaning that the impure substance has not altered its taste, Every Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah Collapse_tcator
    or odor. Such water is considered pure and may be used for
    purification. This is based upon the following hadith: Abu Hurairah
    reported that a bedouin urinated in the mosque. The people stood to get
    him (and stop him). The Prophet said, "Leave him and pour a bucket of
    water or a container of water over his urine. You have been raised to be
    easy on the people, not to be hard on them." This hadith is narrated by
    "the group," except for Muslim.

    Abu Sa'eed al-Khudri asked the
    Prophet, "Can we make ablution from the well of Buda'ah (i.e., a well
    in Madinah)?" The Prophet, upon whom be peace, told him, "Water is pure
    and nothing makes it impure."

    This hadith is related by
    Ahmad, ash-Shaf'i, Abu Dawud, anNasa'i and at-Tirmizhi, who classified
    it as hassan. Ahmad said, "This hadith is sahih and Yahya ibn Ma'een and
    Muhammad ibn Hazm classified it as such." This is also the opinion of
    Ibn 'Abbas, Abu Hurairah, al-Hassan al-Basri, Ibn al-Musayyab, 'Ikrimah,
    Ibn Abu Laila, al-Thauri, Dawud azh-Zhahiri, an-Nakha'i, Malik and
    others. Says al-Ghazzali, "I wish ash-Shaf'i's opinion was like

    There is also a hadith from
    'Abdullah ibn 'Umar in which the Messenger of Allah is reported to have
    said, "If there are at least two buckets of water, it will not carry any
    impurity." This hadith is related by the "five." However, this hadith
    is muzhtarab in its chain of narrators and text. Ibn 'Abdul-Barr said in
    at-Tamheed, "As to the opinion of ash-Shaf'i which is based on this
    hadith, it is weak on scrutiny and is not confirmed by historical

    Volume 1, Page 4: Leftover water

    "Leftover water" is what remains in a pot after some has been drunk. There are five different types of leftover water.

    Water leftover after people have drunk from the pot

    According to the shari'ah,
    such water is considered pure regardless of whether the one who drank
    from the pot was a Muslim, an unbeliever, a person in post-sex impurity
    or a menstruating woman.

    Although Allah says in the
    Qur'an, "Verily, the idol worshippers are impure" (at-Taubah) this is a
    reference not to their physical state, but to their false beliefs and
    creed. They may come into contact with dirt or impurities, but this does
    not mean that their possessions or bodies are impure. In fact, they
    used to mix with the Muslims. Their emmissaries and delegations used to
    visit the Messenger of Allah and enter his mosque. The Prophet, upon
    whom be peace, did not order that the objects they touched be cleansed.
    As for mensturating women, 'Aishah said, "I used to drink (from a
    container) while I was menstruating. I would then pass it to the
    Messenger of Allah and he would drink from the same spot where I had put
    my lips." (Related by Muslim.)

    Water left in a container after an allowable animal has drunk from it

    Such water is considered pure.
    Since the animal qualifies for consumption, its saliva is also pure.
    Abu Bakr ibn al-Munzhir said, "The scholars are agreed that such water
    is permissible to drink or use for ablution."

    Water remaining in a pot after it has been drunk by a donkey, mule, beasts of birds of prey

    Such water is also considered
    pure, based on the hadith of Jabir in which the Messenger of Allah was
    asked about making ablution with drinking water left by donkeys. The
    Prophet, upon whom be peace, answered, "Yes, and from the drinking water
    left by any of the beasts of prey." This hadith was related by
    ash-Shaifi, ad-Daraqutni and al-Baihaqi who said, "When its different
    chains are put together they become strong." It has also been related
    from Ibn 'Umar that the Messenger of Allah went out at night while he
    was on a journey. He passed by a man who was sitting by a pond. Said
    'Umar, "Did a beast of prey drink from your pond tonight?" The Messenger
    of Allah told him, "O owner of the pond, do not inform him. It is not
    necessary, for him (the beast of prey) is what he carried in his stomach
    and for us is what he left, water to be used for drinking and
    purifying." This is related by ad-Daraqutni. Yahya ibn Sa'eed reported
    that once 'Umar was among a group that included 'Amr ibn al-'Aas and,
    when they came upon a pond, 'Amr said, "O owner of the pond, have the
    beasts of prey discovered your pond?" 'Umar said, "Do not inform us,
    since the people drink after the wild beasts and the wild beasts after
    the people." This is related by Malik in al-Muwatta.

    Water left in a pot after a cat has drunk from it

    Such water is also considered
    pure. This is proven by the hadith of Kabshah bint Ka'b who, when she
    was under the care of Abu Qatadah, entered the room to pour some water
    for him. A cat came, drank some of the water, and Qatadah proceeded to
    tilt the container so the cat could drink more. Kabshah said, "He
    noticed that I was watching him." He asked, "Are you surprised, O
    niece?" I answered, "Yes." He said, "The Messenger of Allah, upon whom
    be peace, said, 'It (the cat) is not impure. They intermingle with

    Water left in a pot after a pig or dog has drunk from it

    Such water is considered
    impure and must be avoided. Al-Bukhari and Muslim have recorded, on the
    authority of Abu Hurairah, that the messenger of Allah said, "If a dog
    drinks from one of your containers, wash it seven times." Ahmad and
    Muslim also have this addition, "Cleanse one of your containers if a dog
    licks it by washing it seven times, the first washing being with dirt."
    As for the leftover water of a pig, it is clearly considered filth and


    Types of impurities

    : Types of impurities
    Najasah refers to impure
    substances that the Muslim must avoid and wash off if they should happen
    to contaminate his clothes, body and so on. Says Allah in the Qur'an,
    "Purify your raiment" (alMudathar 4); and, "Allah loves those who repent
    and who purify themselves" (al-Baqarah 222). The Messenger of Allah
    also said, "Purity is half of the faith."

    Dead animals
    This refers to animals which
    die from "natural causes," that is, without the proper Islamic way of
    slaughtering. It also includes anything that is cut off of a live
    animal. Abu Waqid al-Laithy reported that the Prophet, upon whom be
    peace, said, "What is cut off of a live animal is considered dead,"
    i.e., it is considered like an animal that has not been properly
    slaughtered. This is related by Abu Dawud and by at-Tirmizhi, who
    classifies it as hassan and says that the scholars act according to this

    Volume 1, Page 7: Dead animals of the sea and dead locusts
    Ibn 'Umar reported that the
    Messenger of Allah said, "Two types of dead animals and two types of
    blood have been made lawful for us. The types of dead animals are
    seafood and locusts. The two types of blood are the (blood of the) liver
    and the spleen."

    This is related by Ahmad,
    ash-Shaf'i, al-Baihaqi and adDaraqutni. The hadith is weak, but Imam
    Ahmad says that it is authentic in mauqoof form. Abu Zar'ah and Abu
    Hatim have said the same. Such a report has the implication of a marfu'
    hadith because a companion saying, "This was allowed for us" or "This
    was forbidden for us" is like one of them saying, "We were ordered to do
    this," or "We were forbidden to do this," and so on. (Such statements
    are considered marfu' with respect to their regulations). And we have
    already mentioned the Prophet's statement concerning the ocean, "Its
    water is pure and its 'dead animals' are allowable (to eat.)."

    Dead animals that have no running blood
    (That is) bees, ants, and so
    on. They are considered pure. If they fall into some substance and die,
    the substance will not become impure. Ibn al-Munzhir said, "I do not
    know of any disagreement concerning the purity of such water save what
    has been related from ash-Shaf'i. It is well-known that he views them as
    being impure. Nevertheless, it does not bother him if the object
    falling into a substance does not alter it (in any way)."

    Bones, horns, claws, fur, feathers, and skin and so on of dead animals
    All of these are considered
    pure. Concerning the bones of dead animals, az-Zuhri said, "I have met
    some scholars of the preceeding generations who used such objects for
    combs and pots for oil, and they did not see anything wrong in that."
    This is related by al-Bukhari. Said Ibn 'Abbas, "The client of Maimunah
    was given a sheep as charity, and it died. The Messenger of Allah, upon
    whom be peace, passed by it and said, 'Why do you not reEvery Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah Thread_moved
    its skin, treat it and put it to use?' She said, 'It is dead' (i.e., it
    has not been slaughtered properly). He said to her, 'Only eating it is
    forbidden."' This is related by the group. Ibn Majah attributes the
    incident to Maimunah and her client. Al-Bukhari and an-Nasa'i do not
    mention treating the skin. It is reported from Ibn 'Abbas that he
    recited: "Say (O Muhammad): "In all that has been revealed to me, I do
    not find anything forbidden to eat; if one wants to eat thereof, unless
    it be carrion, or blood poured forth, or swine flesh..." (al-An'am 145).
    Then he said, "What is forbidden is its meat. As for its skin, skin
    used for waterskins, teeth, bones, fur and wool, they are permissible."
    This is narrated by Ibn Munzhir and Ibn Hatim. Similarly, its rennet and
    milk are considered pure. This is supported by the fact that when the
    companions conquered
    they ate the cheese of the Magians which was made from rennet, although
    their slaughtered animals were considered the same as 'dead animals.'
    It is confirmed from Salman al-Farsi that when he was asked about
    cheese, clarified butter and pelts, he said, "What is permissible is
    what Allah made permissible in His book. What is forbidden is what Allah
    made forbidden in His book. What he omits, He has pardoned for you." It
    is well-known that he was being asked about the cheese of the Magians,
    as Salman was 'Umar's deputy in Mada'in,

    This includes blood that pours
    forth from an animal's body, such as blood from a slaughtered animal,
    or from menstruation, except for what small amounts are overlooked. Ibn
    Juraij said about the Qur'anic verse "...or blood poured forth..."
    (al-An'am 145), that this is the blood that flows out. The blood that
    does not flow out, but remains in the veins, is permissible. This is
    related by Ibn al-Munzhir. And it is also related from Abu Majlizn in
    his discourse on blood that he was asked, "What about the blood that
    remains in the slaughtered sheep or at the top of the *****ng pot?" He
    answered, "There is no problem with it. What is forbidden is the blood
    that flows out (of the animal at the time of slaughtering)." This was
    recorded by 'Abd ibn Hameed and by Abu ash-Shaikh. It is also related
    from 'Aishah that she said, "We used to eat the meat when the blood was
    streaking the pot." Al-Hassan said, "The Muslims always prayed, even
    while they were bleeding." This was mentioned by al-Bukhari. It is
    confirmed that 'Umar prayed while his wound was bleeding. Elucidating
    the point, Ibn Hajr says in Fath al-Bari (a commentary on Sahih
    al-Bukhari): "Abu Hurairah did not see anything wrong in a drop or two
    of blood during the prayers. Based on this report from Abu Hurairah, the
    blood of a flee or the blood that comes from a pimple are to be
    overlooked. Abu Majlizn was asked about pus that gets on the body or the
    clothes. He said, 'There is nothing wrong with them. Allah mentions
    only the blood, not the pus."'

    Commenting on the subject, Ibn
    Taimiyyah says, "It is obligatory to clean the clothes from pus,
    purulent matter or similar fluids." He also says, "There is no proof
    concerning its impurity." It is preferred for the person to avoid
    contact as much as possible with these substances.

    Pig's meat
    According to the verse
    (al-An'am 145) quoted earlier, items mentioned therein are impure. The
    pronoun 'they' refers to all three of the mentioned items. It is,
    however, allowed to knit with the hair of a pig according to most of the

    Volume 1, Page 9a: Vomiting of a person, urine, and excrement
    There is agreement among the
    scholars that these objects are impure. But, a slight amount of vomit
    (commonly understood as a small amount of liquid) and the urine of an
    unweaned male baby are overlooked and pardoned. It is sufficient just to
    sprinkle water over the urine of an unweaned male baby. This is based
    on the hadith of Umm Qais. She came to the Messenger of Allah with her
    unweaned son. After a while, the baby urinated in the Prophet's lap. The
    Prophet, upon whom be peace, called for some water, which he sprinkled
    over his clothes, and did not give them a complete washing. This is
    related by al-Bukhari and Muslim.

    'Ali narrated that the
    Messenger of Allah said, "The urine of a baby boy should have water
    sprinkled upon it. The urine of a baby girl is to be washed off." Says
    Qatadah, "This refers to a male baby that has not yet begun to eat. If
    he already eats, then the garment is to be washed."

    This hadith is related by Ahmad, Abu Dawud, at-Tirmizhi and Ibn Majah. In al-Fath, Ibn Hajr says its chain is sahih.
    Sprinkling is sufficient as
    long as the boy is still nursing. If he eats solid food, his urine must
    be washed from the clothes and body. There is no disagreement on this
    latter point. Perhaps the reason for this exemption to the male baby's
    urine is that people have a tendency to carry their male babies around,
    and it would have been difficult to clean the clothes after their
    frequent urinations.

    Wadi is a thick white
    secretion discharged (by some people) after urination. It is considered
    impure. 'Aishah said, " Wadi comes out after urination. The person
    should wash the private parts and perform ablution. It is not necessary
    to perform ghusl. This is related by Ibn al-Munzhir. Ibn 'Abbas related
    that "mani (sperm) requires ghusl. As for mazhi (semen) and wadi they
    require a complete purification." This is related by al-Athram.
    Al-Baihaqi has it with the wording, "Concerning mazhi (prostatic fluid)
    and wadi, he said, 'Wash your sexual organs and perform the same type of
    ablution as you perform for prayer."'

    Volume 1, Page 10a: Al-Mazhi or prostatic fluid
    This is a white sticky fluid
    that flows from the sexual organs because of thinking about sexual
    intercourse or foreplay, and so on. The person is usually not aware of
    when exactly it is secreted. It comes from both the male and the female
    sexual organs, although the amount from the latter is usually more than
    the former's. Scholars are agreed that it is impure. If it gets on the
    body, it is obligatory to wash it off. If it gets on the clothes, it
    suffices to sprinkle the area with water, as it is very hard to be
    completely protected from this impurity, especially for the young,
    single person. 'Ali said, "I used to excrete mazhi, so I asked a man to
    ask the Messenger of Allah, upon whom be peace, about it. I was shy to
    do so because of my position with respect to his daughter ('Ali was the
    Prophet's son-in-law). He said, 'Make ablution and wash your penis."
    This is related by al-Bukhari and others. Sahl ibn Hanif said, "I used
    to suffer from excessive amounts of mazhi. I used to make lots of ghusl
    because of it. So I mentioned this to the Messenger of Allah, upon whom
    be peace, and he said, 'It is sufficient to take a handful of water and
    sprinkle it over your clothes wherever the fluid appears."

    The hadith is related by Abu
    Dawud, Ibn Majah, and at-Tirmizhi. The latter says, "The hadith is
    hassan sahih. In the chain is Muhammad ibn Ishaq, who is considered weak
    when he relates in mu'an'an (handed-down) form because of his
    reputation as one who commited tadlis. But in this narration, he makes
    it clear that he heard the hadith directly." Al-Athram narrated the same
    hadith with the wording, "I was bothered by a great deal of mazhi, so I
    went to the Prophet, upon whom be peace, and informed him of this. He
    said 'It is sufficient for you to take a handful of water and sprinkle
    it over (the mazhi)."'

    Sperm, Al-Mani
    Some scholars say that sperm
    is impure, but apparently it is pure, for it is only recommended to wash
    it off if it is still wet, and to scratch it off if it is dry. Said
    'Aishah, "I used to scratch the sperm off the Messenger of Allah's
    clothes if it was dry, and wash it off if it was still wet." (This is
    related by ad-Daraqutni, Abu 'Awanah and al-Bazzar). It is also related
    that Ibn 'Abbas said, "I asked the Messenger of Allah about sperm on
    clothes. He said, 'It is the same as mucus and spittle. It is sufficient
    to rub the area with a rag or cloth."'

    The hadith was related by
    ad-Daraqutni, al-Baihaqi and atTahawi. There is a difference in the
    narration over whether it should be in marfu'or mauqoof form.

    The urine and stools of animals that are permissible to eat
    Both of these are considered
    impure. Ibn Mas'ud related that the Messenger of Allah, upon whom be
    peace, went to answer the call of nature. He asked 'Abdullah ibn Mas'ud
    to bring three stones. 'Abdullah said, "I could not find three stones,
    so I found two stones and animal dung and brought them to him. He took
    the two stones and threw away the dung saying, 'It is impure."'

    The hadith is related by
    al-Bukhari, Ibn Majah, and Ibn Khuzaimah. In one narration it states,
    "It is impure. It is the stool of a donkey." A little amount of it is
    pardoned though, as it is very difficult to completely protect one's
    self from it. Al-Waleed ibn Muslim says, "I said to al-Auza'i, 'What
    about the urine of animals whose meat is not eaten, like the mule,
    donkey and horse?' He said that they used to come into contact with
    these during their battles, and that they did not wash it off their
    bodies or clothes. As for the urine and stools of animals whose meat is
    permissible, Malik, Ahmad and a group of the Shaifiyyah says that it is
    pure. Commenting on the subject, Ibn Taimiyyah says, "None of the
    companions held that it is impure. In fact, the statement that it is
    impure is of recent origin and not from the early generations of the

    Said Anas, "A group of people
    from the tribes of Ukul or 'Uraina came to Madinah and became ill in
    their stomach. The Prophet ordered them to get a milking she-camel and
    drink a mixture of its milk and urine." This hadith is related by Ahmad,
    al-Bukhari and Muslim and points to a camel's urine as being pure.
    Therefore, by analogy, other permissible animals' urine may also be
    considered pure. Says Ibn al-Munzhir, "Those who claim that that was
    permissible only for those people are incorrect. Specification is only
    confirmed by some specific proof." He also says, "The scholars permit,
    without any objection, the sale of sheep's stools and the use of camel's
    urine in their medicine, both in the past and in the present, again
    without any objection. This shows that they are considered pure." Says
    ash-Shaukani, "Apparently, the urine and stools of every living animal
    permissible to eat is pure." There is nothing to prove otherwise.


    الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

    شمس الغروب
    عضو مشارك

    شمس الغروب

    المهنة : Every Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah Collec10
    الجنس : انثى
    علم الدوله : Every Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah 46496510
    العمر : 25
    تاريخ التسجيل : 22/07/2010
    عدد المساهمات : 755

    Every Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah _
    #2مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Every Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah   Every Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah Subscr10الأحد أغسطس 29, 2010 7:01 am

    Every Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah


    refers to an animal that eats the waste or flesh of other animals, such
    as camels, cows, sheep, chickens, geese, and so on. Ibn 'Abbas reported
    that the Messenger of Allah forbade the drinking of such animals' milk.

    hadith is related by "the five," except for Ibn Majah. At-Tirmizhi
    grades it as sahih. In one narration it states, "It is also prohibited
    to ride upon a jallalah. (Related by Abu Dawud.) 'Amr ibn Shu'aib
    related on the authority of his father, from his grandfather, that the
    Messenger of Allah prohibited the meat of domestic donkeys. As for the
    jallalah, he prohibited riding or eating them." (Related by Ahamad,
    an-Nasa'i and Abu Dawud.) If the jallalah animal is kept away from the
    other animals for some time and is given clean food to eat, then it
    becomes pure and is no longer called jallalah. If this is the case, it
    becomes permissible to eat, as the reason for its prohibition was the
    change it underwent due to eating filth, a state which would no longer
    be present.

    to most scholars, alcohol is impure. Says Allah in the Qur'an,
    "Alcohol, games of chance, idols and divining arrows are only an infamy
    of Satan's handiwork." Some scholars say that it is pure, for they take
    the meaning of rajis in its abstract sense as describing alcohol and
    whatever is related to it. This is not labeled as impure in a definite,
    sensory way. Says Allah, "Stay away from the impurities of idols." Idols
    are impure in the abstract sense, and they are considered impure if one
    touches them. The explanation of the preceding verse is that they are a
    tool of Satan, for they cause enmity and hatred and keep people away
    from the remembrance of Allah and pra.yer. In Subul as-Salaam it says,
    "Their origin is pure and their being prohibited does not mean that the
    object itself is impure. For example, hashish is prohibited but it is
    pure. But, something impure is not necessarily prohibited. Every impure
    thing is prohibited, but not vice-versa. That is because of the ruling
    that something impure cannot be touched under any circumstances. If a
    ruling says that something is impure, it is also prohibited. This
    differs from a ruling that something is prohibited. For example, it is
    forbidden to wear silk and gold, but they are absolutely pure by
    consensus." If one understands that, then the prohibition of alcohol
    does not necessarily entail its also being considered impure: it needs
    some other evidence to prove that it is impure. If not, then we are left
    with the original position that it is pure. If one claims other than
    that, he must substantiate it.

    Purifying the body and clothes
    the clothes or body are contaminated with impurities, it is obligatory
    to wash them with water until they are cleansed of the impurities. This
    is especially the case if the impurity is visible, such as blood. If
    there are some stains that remain after washing which would be extremely
    difficult to reEvery Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah Thread_moved,
    they can be overlooked. If the impurity is not visible, such as urine,
    it is sufficient to wash it one time. 'Asma bint Abu Bakr related that a
    woman came to the Prophet, upon whom be peace, and said, "Our clothes
    are contaminated with menstrual blood. What should we do about this?" He
    said, "Scrape it, rub it with water, pour water over it and then pray
    in it." (This is related by al-Bukhari and Muslim) If impurities get on
    the lower portion of a woman's dress, it is purified by dust as she
    trails along. A woman said to Umm Salamah, "I have a long dress that
    drags on the ground, even when I walk through places that contain filth.
    What should I do about it?" Umm Salamah answered her, "The Messenger of
    Allah said, 'What comes after it purifies it."' This is related by
    Ahmad and Abu Dawud.

    are considered impure. Any container that a dog has licked must be
    washed seven times, the first time with dirt. Abu Hurairah reported that
    the Messenager of Allah, upon whom be peace, said, "Purifying a
    container that a dog has licked is done by washing it seven times, the
    first washing being with dirt (that is, water mixed with dirt until it
    becomes muddy)." This was related by Muslim, Ahmad, Abu Dawud, and
    al-Baihaqi. If a dog licks a pot that has dry food in it, what it
    touched and what surrounds it must be thrown away. The remainder may be
    kept, as it is still pure. As for a dog's fur, it is considered pure.

    Purifying the ground
    there are impurities on the ground, it is purified by pouring water
    over it. This is proven by Abu Hurairah's hadith, mentioned earlier,
    about the bedouin who urinated in the mosque. The Prophet, upon whom be
    peace, said all that needed to be done for purification was to pour
    water over it. Said Abu Qulabah, "The drying of the ground is its
    purification." 'Aishah said, "The purification of the ground is its
    becoming dry." (Related by Ibn Abi Shaibah.) This, of course, refers to
    the case where the impurity is a liquid. If the impurity is a solid, the
    ground will only become pure by its removal or decay.

    Purifying clarified butter and other similar substances
    'Abbas relates from Maimunah that the Prophet, upon whom be peace, was
    asked about a mouse that fell into a pot of clarified butter. He said,
    "Take (the mouse) and what is around it out, and throw it away. Then eat
    (the rest of) your clarified butter." This is related by al-Bukhari.

    on the subject, al-Hafezh Ibn Hajr says, "Ibn 'Abdul Barr reported that
    there is agreement that if a dead animal falls into a solid matter,
    what the dead animal touches and what is around it must be thrown away,
    provided that one can make sure that the animal did not touch the
    remainder. As for a liquid substance, there is some difference of
    opinion. The majority say that the entire liquid becomes impure;
    az-Zuhri, al-Auza'i, and some others disagree with that opinion.

    Purifying the skin of dead animals
    purifies the skin and the fur of a dead animal. This is based on the
    hadith of Ibn 'Abbas, in which the Prophet said, "If the animal's skin
    is tanned, it is purified." (Related by al-Bukhari and Muslim.)

    Purifying mirrors and similar objects
    knives, swords, nails, bones, glass, painted pots and other smooth
    surfaces that have no pores are purified by simply wiping them and
    removing any impure remains. The companions of the Prophet used to pray
    while wearing swords smeared with blood, and they used to just wipe the
    swords to purify them.

    Purifying shoes
    Shoes may be purified by rubbing them against the ground, as long as the remains of the impurity are reEvery Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah Thread_movedd.
    Abu Hurairah narrated that the Messenger of Allah, upon whom be peace,
    said, "If one of you stepped in some filth, the dirt will purify his
    shoes." Related by Abu Dawud. In another narration it states, "If one of
    you steps in some filth with his shoes on, the dirt will purify them."
    Abu Sa'eed reported the Prophet, upon whom be peace, saying, "When a
    person comes to the mosque, he should look at his shoes. If he finds any
    filth on them, he should wipe them against the ground and pray in
    them." (Related by Ahmad and Abu Dawud.) Since shoes are repeatedly
    exposed to filth, it is sufficient just to wipe them against the ground.
    This is similar to the case of defecation. In fact, it is stronger than
    that case, as defecation usually occurs only two or three times a day.

    Useful points that are greatly needed concerning purification
    Rope used for hanging clothes with impurities on them may afterwards be used for hanging pure clothes.
    If a liquid
    falls on a person and he does not know if it was water or urine, he need
    not inquire about it. If he does inquire, the one who is asked need not
    answer him even if he knows that the liquid is impure. In that case,
    the person need not wash his clothes.

    If a person
    finds something moist on his body or clothes at night, and he does not
    know what it is, he need not smell it to discover what it might be. It
    is related that 'Umar passed by a gutter (and got wet). 'Umar's
    companion asked the owner of the gutter if the water was pure or impure.
    'Umar told the owner not to answer the question, and went on his way.

    Clothes that
    have street mud on them need not be washed. Reported Kamyal ibn Ziyad,
    "I saw 'Ali wading through the mud, after which he entered the mosque
    and prayed without washing his legs."

    If a person
    finishes his prayer and sees some impurities on his clothes or body of
    which he was not previously aware, or he was aware of them but forgot
    about them, or he did not forget about them but he was not able to reEvery Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah Thread_moved
    them, then his prayer is still valid and he need not repeat it. This
    opinion is supported by Allah's statement, "And there is no sin for you
    in the mistakes you make unintentionally." (al-Ahzab 5). Many of the
    companions and those of the following generation gave this legal

    If a person can
    not determine what part of his clothes contain the impurity, he should
    wash the whole garment. This is based on the axiom, "If an obligation
    cannot be fulfilled except by performing another related act, then that
    act also becomes obligatory."

    If a person
    mixes his pure clothes with his impure clothes (and gets confused
    between them), he should investigate the matter and pray once in one of
    the clothes. This is similar to the question of the exact direction of
    the qiblah. It does not matter if the proportion of pure clothes was
    large or small.

    It is not proper for one to carry something that has Allah's name upon it while he is going to the bathroom
    It is not
    proper for one to carry something that has Allah's name upon it (unless
    he is afraid of losing it or having it stolen), while he is going to the
    bathrom. Anas related that the Messenger of Allah, upon whom be peace,
    had a ring engraved with Muhammad Rasool-ullah, (Muhammad the Messenger
    of Allah), which he would reEvery Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah Thread_moved
    when he went to the bathroom. Ibn Hajr says that this hadith is malul
    (a type of weak hadith having a defect) and Abu Dawud says it is m
    unkar, (singularly related by people who are not trustworthy). The first
    portion of the hadith is authentic, however.

    He should Every Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah Thread_moved and hide himself from others while going to the bathroom
    This is
    especially true in the case of defecation, so others can not hear
    noxious sounds or smell bad odors. Said Jabir, "We were journeying with
    the Messenger of Allah, upon whom be peace, and he would only relieve
    himself when he was out of sight." (This is related by Ibn Majah.) Abu
    Dawud records that, "When he wanted to relieve himself, he would go
    where no one could see him." He also related, "When the Messenger of
    Allah, upon whom be peace, went out he would go very far away."

    One should mention the name of Allah and seek refuge in Him when entering the privy or removing his clothes to relieve himself
    Anas reported
    that when the Messenger of Allah, upon whom be peace, entered the privy
    he would say, "In the name of Allah. O Allah! I seek refuge in you from
    male and female noxious beings (devils)." This is related by "the

    One should not talk when going to the bathroom
    One should not
    respond to a greeting or repeat what the caller to prayer is saying. He
    may speak if there is some necessity (i.e., to guide a blind man who
    fears he may be harmed). If he sneezes, he should praise Allah to
    himself and simply Every Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah Thread_moved
    his lips (without making a sound). Ibn 'Umar related that a man passed
    by the Prophet, upon whom be peace, and greeted him while he (the
    Prophet) was urinating. The Prophet did not return his greeting. (This
    is related by "the group," except for al-Bukhari.) Abu Sa'eed reported
    that he heard the Messenger of Allah, upon whom be peace, say, "Isn't it
    true that Allah detests those who converse while they relieve
    themselves?" This was related by Ahmad, Abu Dawud and Ibn Majah.

    This hadith
    seems to support the position that it is forbidden to talk. Many
    scholars, however, say that it is only disliked, not forbidden.

    One should neither face nor turn his back on the qiblah while relieving himself
    Abu Hurairah
    reported that the Messenger of Allah, upon whom be peace, said, "When
    one of you relieves himself, he should neither face the qiblah nor turn
    his back on it." This was related by Ahmad and Muslim.

    The prohibition
    implies that it is only disliked. As Ibn 'Umar related that he once
    went to Hafsah's home, where he saw the Messenger of Allah relieving
    himself while facing Syria with his back to the Ka'bah. This is related
    by "the group." Some reconciliate these hadith by saying that in the
    desert it is forbidden to face or turn one's back on the Ka'bah, while
    it is permitted in buildings. Said Marwan al-Asghar, "I saw 'Umar
    sitting on his she-camel and facing the qiblah while urinating. I said,
    'O father of 'Abdurahman ... is this not forbidden?' He said, 'Certainly
    not ... This has been prohibited only in open areas. If there is a
    barricade (or separator) between you and the qiblah, there is nothing
    wrong with it."

    This is related by Abu Dawud, Ibn Khuzaimah and al-Hakim. Its chain is hassan as Ibn Hajr said in Fath al-Bari.

    One should seek a soft and low piece of ground to protect himself from impurities
    Abu Musa
    related that the Messenger of Allah came to a low and soft part of the
    ground and urinated. He then said, "When one of you urinates, he should
    choose the proper place to do so."

    This is related by Ahmad and Abu Dawud. One of its narrators is unknown,
    but its meaning is sound.

    One should not use a hole in the ground
    Qatadah related
    from 'Abdullah ibn Sarjas who said, "The Messenger of Allah forbade
    urination into a hole." Said Qatadah, "What is disliked about urinating
    into a hole?" Said he, "It is the residence of the jinn."

    This hadith is
    related by Ahmad, an-Nasa'i, Abu Dawud, al-Hakim and al-Baihaqi. Ibn
    Khuzaimah and Ibn as-Sakin classified it as sahih.

    One should avoid shaded places and those places where people walk and gather
    Abu Hurairah
    reported that the Messenger of Allah, upon whom be peace, said, "Beware
    of those acts which cause others to curse." They asked, "What are those
    acts?" He said, "Relieving yourself in the people's walkways or in their
    shade." This hadith is related by Ahmad, Muslim and Abu Dawud.

    One should not urinate in bathing places or in still or running water
    'Abdullah ibn
    Mughaffal narrated that the Prophet said, "None of you should urinate in
    a bathing place and then make ablution in the water. The majority of
    waswas comes from that." This is related by "the five," but the
    statement, "and then make ablution in it" was only related by Ahmad and
    Abu Dawud. Jabir said the Prophet forbade urinating in still as well as
    running water. (Related by Ahmad, an-Nasa'i and Ibn Majah.) In Majma
    az-Zuwaid it states, "This was related by at-Tabarani, and its narrators
    are trustworthy."

    If there is a drain in the bathing place, it is permissible to urinate into it.

    One may not urinate while standing
    If a person can guarantee that no impurities will touch his clothes,
    it is permissible to urinate while standing. Said 'Aishah, "If someone
    relates to you that the Messenger of Allah urinated while standing, do
    not believe him. He only urinated while sitting." This hadith is related
    by "the five," except for Abu Dawud. At-Tirmizhi's comment is, "It is
    the best thing related on this point, and it is the most authentic

    One should not forget that what 'Aishah said is based on the knowledge that she had. Huzhaifah
    relates that the Messenger of Allah, upon whom be peace, went to a
    public garbage dump and urinated while standing. Huzhaifah went away,
    and the Prophet then called him over. The Prophet made ablution and
    wiped over his shoes. This is related by "the group."

    Commenting upon
    the issue, an-Nawawi says, "To urinate while sitting is most desirable
    in my opinion, but to do so standing is permissible. Both acts are
    confirmed by the Messenger of Allah, upon whom be peace.

    One must reEvery Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah Thread_moved any impurities from his clothes and body
    To do so, he
    can use a rock, stone or any other pure matter. One may use only water
    to clean the area, or any combinations of purifying agents. 'Aishah
    reported that the Messenger of Allah, upon whom be peace, said, "When
    one of you goes to relieve himself, he should clean himself with three
    stones." (Related by Ahmad, anNasa'i, Abu Dawud and ad-Daraqutni).

    Anas related
    that the Messenger of Allah would enter the privy, and that Anas and
    another boy would carry the water container and spear for him. The
    Prophet would clean himself with water." (Related by al-Bukhari and

    Ibn 'Abbas
    related that the Messenger of Allah, upon whom be peace, passed by two
    graves and said, "They are being punished. But they are not being
    punished for a great matter (on their part). One of them did not clean
    himself from urine and the other used to spread slander." (Related by
    "the group.")

    Anas also related the Prophet as saying, "Purify yourselves from urine, as most punishment in the grave is due to it."

    One should not clean himself with his right hand
    'Abdurahman ibn
    Zaid related that Salman was asked, "Your Prophet teaches you
    everything, even how to relieve yourselves?" Salman said, "Certainly ...
    He forbade us from facing the qiblah while doing so, from cleaning
    ourselves with our right hand, and from cleaning ourselves with less
    than three stones. We also should not use an impure substance or a bone
    to clean ourselves." (Related by Muslim, Abu Dawud, and at-Tirmizhi.)

    reported, "The Messenger of Allah, upon whom be peace, reserved his
    right hand for eating, drinking, putting on his clothes, taking and
    giving. He used his left hand for other actions." (Related by Ahmad, Abu
    Dawud, Ibn Majah, Ibn Hibban, al-Hakim and al-Baihaqi).

    One should reEvery Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah Thread_moved any bad smell from his hands after cleaning himself
    Abu Hurairah
    said, "When the Messenger of Allah upon whom be peace, relieved himself,
    I used to bring him a container of water. He would cleanse himself,
    then rub his hands against the soil." (Related by Abu Dawud, an-Nasa'i,
    al-Baihaqi, and Ibn Majah.)

    One should sprinkle his penis and underwear with water after urination
    Make sure that
    he has cleansed himself. If one finds some dampness in his clothes after
    so doing, he can content himself by saying, "That is just water." This
    is based on the hadith related by al-Hakim ibn Sufyan or Sufyan ibn
    al-Hakim who said, "When the Messenger of Allah, upon whom be peace,
    urinated, he would wash and sprinkle (his penis)." In another narration
    it states, "I saw the Messenger of Allah urinate, after which he
    sprinkled water over his penis." Ibn 'Umar used to sprinkle his penis
    until his underwear became wet.

    Entering the bathroom
    One should
    enter the bathroom or a privy with his left foot, and exit with his
    right foot, saying: "O Allah! I seek your forgiveness." 'Aishah related
    that when the Messenger of Allah left the bathroom, he would say this
    supplication. (Related by "the five," except for an-Nasa'i.) What
    'Aishah stated is the soundest statement on this topic. It is related
    through a number of weak chains that the Prophet, upon whom be peace,
    used to say, "Praise be to Allah who made the filth leave me and who has
    given me health," and "Praise be to Allah who let me enjoy it, kept for
    me its energy and relieved me of its harm."

    Acts that correspond to the Nature of Mankind
    Allah has
    chosen certain acts for all of His prophets and their followers to
    perform. These acts distinguish them from the rest of mankind, and are
    known as sunan al-fitra, (the acts that correspond to the nature of

    This prevents
    dirt from getting on one's penis, and also makes it easy to keep it
    clean. For women, it involves cutting the outer portion of the clitoris.
    Abu Hurairah reported that the Messenger of Allah said, "Ibrahim
    circumcised himself after he was eighty years old." (Related by
    al-Bukhari.) Many scholars say that it is obligatory.'� The
    Shaf'iyyah maintain that it should be done on the seventh day. Says
    ash-Shaukani, "There is nothing that states explicitly its time or
    indicates that it is obligatory."

    Shaving pubic hairs and pulling out underarm hairs
    They are two sunan acts. If the hair is only trimmed or pulled out, it will suffice.

    : Clipping one's fingernails, trimming and shaving his moustache
    Ibn 'Umar
    related that the Messenger of Allah said, "Differ from the polytheists:
    let your beards (grow)" and shave your moustache." (Related by
    al-Bukhari and Muslim). Abu Hurairah reported that the Messenger of
    Allah, upon whom be peace, said, "Five things are part of one's fitra:
    Shaving the pubic hairs, circumcision, trimming the moustache, removing
    the hair under the arms and trimming the nails." (Related by "the
    group.") It does not mention which one would specifically fulfill the
    sunnah. One should make sure that his moustache is not so long that food
    particles, drink and dirt accumulate in it. Zaid ibn Arqam related that
    the Prophet, upon whom be peace, said "Whoever does not take (off) some
    of his moustache is not one of us." (Related by Ahmad, an-Nasa'i and
    at-Tirmizhi, who classified it as sahih.) It is preferred to cut the
    pubic hairs, pluck out the underarm hairs, cut the nails and trim the
    moustache on a weekly basis, a practice which is most hygenic. If some
    unnecessary hair is left on the body for a longer period of time, it may
    disturb the person. One may leave this action for forty days, but no
    longer. Said Anas, "The time period for us to trim the moustache, cut
    the nails, pluck out the underarm hairs and cut the pubic hairs was
    forty nights." (Related by Ahmad, Abu Dawud and others).

    Letting one's beard grow and become thick
    This is a
    feature of dignity. It should not be cut so short that it appears like a
    shaved beard, nor should it be left so long that it becomes untidy. It
    is also a sign of manhood. Says al-Bukhari, "Whenever Ibn 'Umar made the
    hajj or 'umrah, he would hold his beard in his fist and, whatever
    exceeded his fist, he would cut off."

    Oiling and combing one's hair
    Abu Hurairah reported the Prophet, upon whom be peace, as saying, "Whoever has hair should honor it." (Related by Abu Dawud.)
    Said 'Ata ibn
    Yasar, "A man came to the Prophet with unkempt hair and an untidy beard.
    The Prophet pointed to him, as if ordering him to straighten his hair
    and beard. He did so and returned. Thereupon the Prophet observed, 'Is
    that not better than one of you coming with his hair unkempt, as if he
    were a devil?"' (Related by Malik.)

    Abu Qatadah
    related that he had a great amount of hair. He asked the Prophet, "O
    Messenger of Allah, I have lots of hair. Should I comb it?" He answered,
    "Yes ... and honor it." Abu Qatadah used to oil it twice a day due to
    the Prophet's words, "... and honor it."

    Cutting one's
    hair off is permissible, and so is letting it grow if one honors it. Ibn
    'Umar narrated that the Prophet, upon whom be peace, said, "Shave it
    all or leave it all." (Related by Ahmad, Muslim, Abu Dawud and
    an-Nasa'i). To shave part of it and leave part of it is greatly
    disliked. Nafa' related from Ibn 'Umar that the Messenger of Allah
    prohibited qiza'. Nafa' asked, "What is qiza' ?" He said, "It is to
    shave off part of the hair of a youth and to leave part." (AlBukhari and

    Leaving grey hairs in place
    This applies to
    both men and women. 'Amr ibn Shu'aib related on the authority of his
    father from his grandfather that the Prophet said, "Do not pluck the
    grey hairs as they are a Muslim's light. Never a Muslim grows grey in
    Islam except that Allah writes for him, due to that, a good deed. And he
    raises him a degree. And he erases for him, due to that, one of his
    sins." (Related by Ahmad, Abu Dawud, at-Tirmizhi, an-Nasa'i and Ibn
    Majah.) And Anas said, "We used to hate that a man should pluck out his
    white hairs from his head or beard." (Related by Muslim. )


    الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

    شمس الغروب
    عضو مشارك

    شمس الغروب

    المهنة : Every Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah Collec10
    الجنس : انثى
    علم الدوله : Every Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah 46496510
    العمر : 25
    تاريخ التسجيل : 22/07/2010
    عدد المساهمات : 755

    Every Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah _
    #3مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Every Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah   Every Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah Subscr10الأحد أغسطس 29, 2010 7:01 am

    Every Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah
    Changing the Every Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah Collapse_tcator of grey hair by using henna, red dye, yellow dye, and so on

    Abu Hurairah reported that the
    Prophet, upon whom be peace, said, "The Jews and Christians do not dye,
    so differ from them." (Related by "the group.") Abu Zharr reported that
    the Messenger of Allah said, "The best thing that one can use to change
    the Every Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah Collapse_tcator of grey hairs is henna and katm (a reddish dye)." (Related by "the five.")

    There are some narrations that
    state that dying is disliked, but it is obvious that these narrations
    conflict with the sunnah and custom. It is related from some of the
    companions that it is better not to dye, while others say it is better
    to do it. Some used a yellow dye, while others used henna or katm.
    Others used saffron, and a group of them used a black dye. Ibn Hajr
    mentioned in Fath al-Bari that az-Zuhri said, "We used black dye if our
    face was youthful, but if wrinkles were present and the teeth were gone
    we would not use it." Said Jabir, "Abu Quhafah (Abu Bakr's father) was
    brought to the Prophet during the conquest of Makkah while his head was
    "white." The Prophet, upon whom be peace, said, "Take him to one of his
    wives and let her change the Every Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah Collapse_tcator
    of his hair with something, but she should avoid (making his hair)
    black." (Related by "the group," except for al-Bukhari and at-Tirmizhi).
    This dealt with a certain incident, and cannot be generalized.
    Furthermore, black would not be proper for someone as old as Abu

    To use musk and other types of perfume

    These are pleasing to the soul
    and beautify the atmosphere. Anas reported the Messenger of Allah as
    saying, "Among the things of this world, I love women and perfume, and
    the coolness of my eyes is prayer." (Related by Ahmad and an-Nasa'i.)
    Abu Hurairah reported that the Messenger of Allah said, "If someone
    offers perfume, do not reject it, for it is light to carry and has a
    sweet scent." (Related by Muslim, an-Nasa'i and Abu Dawud.) Abu Sa'eed
    reported that the Prophet said about musk, "It is the best of perfumes."
    (Related by "the group," except for al-Bukhari and Ibn Majah).

    Nafa' narrated that Ibn 'Umar
    used to burn and inhale a branch called aluwah that has a nice smell. He
    also used camphor. He used to say, "This is the way the Messenger of
    Allah inhaled such scents (that is, by burning them.)" (Related by
    Muslim and an-Nasa'i.)



    الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

    شمس الغروب
    عضو مشارك

    شمس الغروب

    المهنة : Every Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah Collec10
    الجنس : انثى
    علم الدوله : Every Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah 46496510
    العمر : 25
    تاريخ التسجيل : 22/07/2010
    عدد المساهمات : 755

    Every Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah _
    #4مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Every Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah   Every Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah Subscr10الأحد أغسطس 29, 2010 7:02 am

    Every Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah



    Ablution means to wash one's face, hands, arms, head and feet with water.

    Part of Islamic law

    This is proven from the three major sources of Islamic law:

    -1- The Qur'an.
    Says Allah in the Qur'an, "O you who believe, when you rise for prayer,
    wash your faces and your hands up to the elbows and lightly rub your
    heads and (wash) your feet up to the ankles (al-Mai'dah 6).

    -2- The Sunnah.
    Abu Hurairah reported that the Messenger of Allah said, "Allah does not
    accept the prayer of one who nullified his ablution until he performs
    it again." (Related by al-Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawud and at-Tirmizhi.)

    -3- The
    Consensus. There is a consensus of scholarly opinion that ablution is
    part of Islamic law. Therefore, it is a recognized fact of the religion.

    Its virtues

    Many hadith state the virtues of ablution. We shall mention just a few:

    -1- 'Abdullah
    ibn as-Sunnabiji stated that the Messenger of Allah said, "When a slave
    makes ablution and rinses his mouth, his wrong deeds fall from it. As he
    rinses his nose, his wrong deeds fall from it. When he washes his face,
    his wrong deeds fall from it until they fall from beneath his
    eyelashes. When he washes his hands, his wrong deeds fall from them
    until they fall from beneath his fingernails. When he wipes his head,
    his wrong deeds fall from it until they fall from his ears. When he
    washes his feet, his wrong deeds fall from them until they fall from
    beneath his toenails. Then his walking to the mosque and his prayer give
    him extra reward." (Related by Malik, an-Nasa'i, Ibn Majah and

    -2- Anas
    reported that the Messenger of Allah said, "If good characteristics
    exist in a person, Allah makes all of his acts good. If a person
    purifies himself for prayer, he expiates all of his sins and his prayer
    is considered an extra reward for him." (Related by Abu Ya'la, al-Bazzar
    and at-Tabarani in al-Ausat.)

    -3- Abu
    Hurairah reported that the Messenger of Allah said, "'Shall I inform you
    (of an act) by which Allah erases sins and raises degrees?" They said,
    "Certainly, O Messenger of Allah." He said, "Perfecting the ablution
    under difficult circumstances, taking many steps to the mosque, and
    waiting for the (next) prayer after the (last) prayer has been
    performed. That is ribat. (Related by Malik, Muslim, at-Tirmizhi and

    -4- Abu
    Hurairah also reported that the Messenger of Allah, upon whom be peace,
    passed by a grave site and said, "Peace be upon you, O home of believing
    people. Allah willing, we shall meet you soon, although I wish I could
    see my brothers." They asked, "Are we not your brothers, O Messenger of
    Allah?" He said, "You are my companions. My brothers are the ones who
    will come after (us)." They said, "How will you know the people of our
    nation who will come after you, O Messenger of Allah?" He said, "If a
    man has a group of horses with white forelocks amidst a group of horses
    with black forelocks, will he recognize his horses?" They said,
    "Certainly, O Messenger of Allah." He said, "They (my brothers) will
    come with white streaks from their ablutions, and I will receive them at
    my cistern. But there will be some who will be driven away from my
    cistern as a stray camel is driven away. I will call them to come. It
    will be said, 'They changed matters after you,' then I will say, 'Be
    off, be off."' (Related by Muslim.)

    The obligatory parts of the ablution

    Ablution has certain components which, if not fulfilled according to the correct Islamic procedures, make one's ablution void.


    This is the
    desire to do the action and to please Allah by following His command. It
    is purely an act of the heart, for the tongue (verbal pronouncement,
    and so on) has nothing to do with it. To pronounce it is not part of the
    Islamic law. That the intention is obligatory is shown in the
    following: 'Umar related that the Prophet, upon whom be peace, said,
    "Every action is based on the intention (behind it), and everyone shall
    have what he intended..." (Related by "the group.")

    Washing the face

    This involves
    "pouring" or "running" water from the top of the forehead to the bottom
    of the jaws, and from one ear to the other.

    Washing the arms to the elbow

    The elbows must be washed, for the Prophet, upon whom be peace, did so.

    Wiping the head

    This means to
    wipe one's head with his hand. It is not sufficient just to place the
    hand on the head or to touch the head with a wet finger. The apparent
    meaning of the Qur'anic words, "...and wipe over your heads..." does not
    imply that all of the head needs to be wiped. It has been recorded that
    the Prophet used to wipe his head three different ways:

    -1- Wiping all
    of his head. 'Abdullah ibn Zaid reported that the Prophet, upon whom be
    peace, wiped his entire head with his hands. He started with the front
    of his head, then Every Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah Thread_movedd to the back, and then returned his hands to the front. (Related by "the group.").

    -2- Wiping over
    the turban only. Said 'Amru ibn Umayyah, "I saw the Messenger of Allah,
    upon whom be peace, wipe over his turban and shoes." (Related by Ahmad,
    al-Bukhari and Ibn Majah). Bilal reported that the Prophet, upon whom
    be peace, said, "Wipe over your shoes and head covering." (Related by
    Ahmad.) 'Umar once said, "May Allah not purify the one who does not
    consider wiping over the turban to be purifying." Many hadith have been
    related on this topic by al-Bukhari, Muslim and others. Most of the
    scholars agree with them.

    Wiping over the front portion of the scalp and the turban

    Al-Mughirah ibn
    Shu'bah said that the Messenger of Allah, upon whom be peace, made
    ablution and wiped over the front portion of his scalp, his turban and
    his socks. (Related by Muslim.) There is, however, no strong hadith that
    he wiped over part of his head, even though al-Ma'idah: apparently
    implies it. It is also not sufficient just to wipe over locks of hair
    that proceed from the head or along the sides of the head.

    Washing the feet and the heels

    This has been
    confirmed in mutawatir (continuous) reports from the Prophet, upon whom
    be peace, concerning his actions and statements. Ibn 'Umar said, "The
    Prophet lagged behind us in one of our travels. He caught up with us
    after we had delayed the afternoon prayer. We started to make ablution
    and were wiping over our feet, when the Prophet said, 'Woe to the heels,
    save them from the Hell-fire,' repeating it two or three times."
    (Related by al-Bukhari and Muslim.)

    Needless to say, the preceding obligations are the ones that Allah has mentioned in (al-Ma'idah 6).

    Following the prescribed sequence

    Allah mentioned
    the obligations in a specific order. He also differentiated the legs
    from the hands--though both of them have to be washed--from the head,
    which only needs to be wiped. The polytheists of
    would not differentiate items unless there was some benefit in doing
    so. The way Allah structured the ablution made it easier for them to
    comprehend it. Al-Ma'idah 6 explains what is obligatory and it falls
    under the generality of the Prophet's statement, "Begin with what Allah
    began with." The Prophet used to follow that sequence as one of
    ablution's principles. There is no such report that the Prophet, upon
    whom be peace, ever departed from that sequence. Ablution is part of
    worship, and in matters of worship there is no room for anything except
    doing what has been commanded.



    This section
    deals with those acts connected with the ablution, but which are not
    obligatory, as the Prophet, upon whom be peace, did not rigorously stick
    to them or censure anyone for not doing them. They are as follows:

    Mentioning the name of Allah at the beginning
    There are some
    weak hadith that mention this act, and all of the chains of these hadith
    point to the fact that there is some basis for this act. In any case,
    it is a good act in and of itself and, in general, it is part of the
    Islamic law.

    Dental Hygiene
    This involves using a stick or similar object to clean one's teeth. The best type to use is that of the arak tree found in the Hejaz.
    Such a practice strengthens the gums, prevents tooth disease, helps
    digestion and facilitates the flow of urine. This sunnah is fulfilled by
    using any object which reEvery Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah Thread_moveds
    yellow stains on the teeth and cleans the mouth, such as a toothbrush,
    and so on. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet, upon whom be peace,
    said, "Were it not to be a hardship on my community, I would have
    ordered them to use a toothbrush for every ablution." (Related by Malik,
    ash-Shaf'i, al-Baihaqi and al-Hakim.) 'Aishah reported that the Prophet
    said, "The toothbrush purifies the mouth and is pleasing to the Lord."
    (Related by Ahmad, an-Nasa'i and at-Tirmizhi.)

    Using a toothbrush is liked at any time, but there are five times in which it is especially liked:
    -1- ablution,
    -2- prayer,
    -3- reading the Qur'an,
    -4- rising from sleep, and
    -5- when the
    taste in one's mouth has changed. Fasting and non-fasting people may use
    it at the beginning, the end, or at any other time during the day. 'Amr
    ibn Rabi'ah said, "I have seen the Messenger of Allah, upon whom be
    peace, on countless occasions using a toothbrush while fasting."
    (Related by Ahmad, Abu Dawud and at-Tirmizhi.)

    When one uses a
    toothbrush, it is sunnah to clean it afterwards. Said 'Aishah, "When
    the Prophet, upon whom be peace, used his toothbrush, he would give it
    to me. I would wash it, use it, wash it again and give it back to him."
    (Related by Abu Dawud and alBaihaqi.)

    It is part of
    the sunnah that one who has no teeth may use his fingers to clean his
    mouth. Asked 'Aishah, "O Messenger of Allah, how should a toothless
    person cleanse his mouth?" "By putting his fingers into his mouth," he
    replied. (Related by at-Tabarani.)

    Washing the hands three times at the beginning
    This is based
    on the hadith of Aus ibn Aus al-Thaqafi who said, "I saw the Messenager
    of Allah make ablution, and he washed his hands three times." (Related
    by Ahmad and an-Nasa'i.) Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet, upon
    whom be peace, said, "When one of you rises from his sleep, he should
    not put his hand into a pot until he has washed it three times, for he
    does not know where his hand was (while he slept)." (Related by "the
    group", al-Bukhari did not mention the number of times.)

    Rinsing the mouth three times
    Laqit ibn
    Sabrah reported that the Prophet said, "When one performs ablution, he
    should rinse his mouth." (Related by Abu Dawud and al-Baihaqi.)

    Sniffing up and blowing out water three times
    Abu Hurairah
    reported that the Prophet, upon whom be peace, said, "When one of you
    performs ablution, he should sniff water up his nostrils and then blow
    it out." (Related by al-Bukhari, Muslim and Abu Dawud.)

    The sunnah is
    to put the water into the nostrils with the right hand and blow it out
    with the left. 'Ali once called for water for ablution, rinsed his
    mouth, sniffed up water into his nostrils and blew it out with his left
    hand. He did that three times and then said, "That is how the Prpohet,
    upon whom be peace, would purify himself." (Related by Ahmad and

    This sunnah is
    fulfilled by putting water into the mouth and nostrils in any way. The
    practice of the Prophet was to do both acts at the same time. 'Abdullah
    ibn Zaid said, "The Prophet would rinse his mouth and nose with just one
    hand (at one time, together). He did that three times." In one
    narration it says, "He would rinse his mouth and nose with three scoops
    of water." (Related by al-Bukhari and Muslim.) It is also sunnah to be
    plentiful (with water) while performing this sunnah, except if one is
    fasting. Laqit asked the Prophet, "Inform me about your ablution." He
    replied, "Complete and perfect the ablution and (put water) between your
    fingers. Use lots of water while sniffing it up your nostrils, unless
    you are fasting." (Related by "the five." At-Tirmizhi said it is sahih.)

    Running one's fingers through his beard
    reported that the Messenger of Allah would run his fingers through his
    beard. (Related by Ibn Majah and at-Tirmizhi, who classified it as sahih
    . )

    Anas said that
    when the Messenger of Allah performed ablution, he would take a handful
    of water and put it under his jaws and pass it through his beard. He
    said, "This is what my Lord, Allah, ordered me to do." (Related by Abu
    Dawud, al-Baihaqi and al-Hakim.)

    Running water through one's fingers and toes
    Ibn 'Abbas said
    that when the Messenger of Allah performed ablution, he would run his
    fingers through his fingers and toes. (Related by "the five," except
    Ahmad.) It is also related that it is preferable to reEvery Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah Thread_moved
    jewelry, for example, rings, bracelets, and so on, while performing
    ablution. Even though these reports are not accepted as fully authentic,
    one must follow them, for they fall under the general category of
    completing and perfecting the ablution.

    Repeating each washing three times
    This is a
    sunnah that the Prophet, upon whom be peace, almost always followed. If
    he acted otherwise, it was just to show that the other acts are
    permissible. 'Amr ibn Shu'aib related on the authority of his father
    from his grandfather who said: "A bedouin came to the Messenger of
    Allah, upon whom be peace, and asked him about the ablution. He showed
    him how to wash each part three times and said, 'This is the ablution.
    Whoever does more than that has done wrong, transgressed and committed
    evil." (Related by Ahmad, an-Nasa'i and Ibn Majah.) 'Uthman also
    reported that the Messenger of Allah would repeat each washing three
    times. (Related by Ahmad, Muslim and at-Tirmizhi.) It is also proven
    that he performed each washing only once or twice. According to most of
    the reports, he wiped his head only once.

    Beginning each action with the right side
    Said 'Aishah,
    "The Messenger of Allah loved to begin with his right side while putting
    on his shoes, straightening his hair and cleaning (or purifying)
    himself." (Related by al-Bukhari and Musilm.) Abu Hurairah reported that
    the Prophet said, "When you clothe or wash yourself, begin with your
    right side." (Related by Ahmad, Abu Dawud, at-Tirmizhi, and an-Nasa'i.)

    Rubbing the limbs with water
    This means to
    rub the hands over the bodily parts with water. 'Abdullah ibn Zaid
    reported that the Messenger of Allah was brought a pot of water which he
    used to perform ablution, and then rubbed his arms. (Related by Ibn
    Khuzaimah.) He also related that the Messenger of Allah performed
    ablution, then rubbed his limbs. (Related by Abu Dawud at-Tayalisi,
    Ahmad, Ibn Hibban and Abu Ya'la.)

    Close sequence
    Each bodily
    part must be washed right after the other in the prescribed sequence
    (without separating the washing of the different parts of acts not
    related to the abution). This is the customary practice of the early and
    later generations of Muslims.

    Wiping the ears
    The sunnah is
    to wipe the interior of the ears with the index fingers and the exterior
    portions with the thumbs. The water used to wipe the head is also used
    for the ears, as the ears are part of the head. Al-Miqdam ibn Ma'd
    Yakrih reported that the Prophet, upon whom be peace, wiped his head and
    his ears, the interior and exterior, while making ablution. He also put
    his finger inside his ear. (Related by Abu Dawud and at-Tahawi.)

    describing the ablution of the Prophet, upon whom be peace, Ibn 'Umar
    said, "He wiped his head and ears with one wipe." (Related by Ahmad and
    Abu Dawud.) In one narration it states, "He wiped the inner portion of
    his ears with his index finger, and the outer portion with his thumb."

    Elongating the streaks of light
    This refers to
    washing the complete forehead, a practice which is more than what is
    obligatory in washing the face, and will increase the streak of light
    (on the Day of Judgement). It also refers to washing above the elbows
    and ankles. Abu Hurairah reported that the Messenger of Allah said, "My
    nation will come with bright streaks of light from the traces of
    ablution." Abu Hurairah then said, "If one can lengthen his streak of
    light, he should do so." (Related by Ahmad, al-Bukhari and Muslim.) Abu
    Zar'ah related that when Abu Hurairah made ablution, he washed his arms
    above his elbows and his feet up to his calves. He was asked, "Why do
    you do this?" He said, "This is the extent of the embellishment."
    (Related by Ahmad. ) According to al-Bukhari and Muslim, its chain is

    Economizing the use of water, even if one is in front of the sea
    Anas said, "The
    Prophet, upon whom be peace, used to perform ghusl (the complete
    bathing) with a sa'a of water (1.616 cm) 3 to 5 madd (each 4 madd equals
    one sa'a). He also used to make ablution with one madd (404 cm) of
    water." (Related by al-Bukhari and Musim.) 'Ubaidullah ibn Abu Yazid
    narrated that a man asked Ibn 'Abbas, "How much water is sufficient for
    ghusl?" He answered, "One madd." "And how much is sufficient for ghusl?"
    He said, "One sa'a." The man said, "That is not sufficient for me."
    "Ibn 'Abbas said, "No? It was sufficient for one better than you, the
    Messenger of Allah, upon whom be peace." (Related by Ahmad, al-Bazaar
    and at-Tabarani in al-Kabeer. Its narrators are trustworthy.) 'Abdullah
    ibn 'Umar narrated that the Messenger of Allah passed by Sa'd while he
    was performing ablution and said, "What is this extravagance, Sa'd?" He
    said, "Is there extravagance in the use of water?" He said, "Yes, even
    if you are at a flowing river." (Related by Ahmad and Ibn Majah with a
    weak chain.)

    Extravagance is
    to use water without any benefit, like washing the parts more than
    three times. Ibn Shu'aib's hadith, quoted earlier, illustrates the point
    in question. 'Abdullah ibn Mughaffal narrated that he heard the Prophet
    say, "There will be people from my nation who will transgress in making
    supplications and in purifying themselves." (Related by Ahmad, Abu
    Dawud and an-Nasa'i.)

    Says al-Bukhari, "The scholars do not like one to use water beyond what the Prophet, upon whom be peace, used for ablution


    الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

    شمس الغروب
    عضو مشارك

    شمس الغروب

    المهنة : Every Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah Collec10
    الجنس : انثى
    علم الدوله : Every Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah 46496510
    العمر : 25
    تاريخ التسجيل : 22/07/2010
    عدد المساهمات : 755

    Every Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah _
    #5مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Every Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah   Every Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah Subscr10الأحد أغسطس 29, 2010 7:02 am

    Every Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah

    Supplication while performing ablution
    There is nothing confirmed from the Prophet, upon whom be peace,
    regarding supplications during ablution save the hadith of Abu Musa
    al-Ash'ari who said, "I came to the Messenger of Allah with water. While
    he was performing ablution, I heard him supplicate, 'O Allah, forgive
    my sins. Make my residence spacious for me and bless me in my
    provisions.' I said, 'O Prophet of Allah, I heard you supplicating such
    and such.' He said, 'Did I leave anything out?" (Related by an-Nasa'i
    and Ibn as-Sunni with a sahih chain.) An-Nawawi includes this event
    under the chapter, What is to be said after one completes the ablution,
    and Ibn as-Sunni has it under, What is to be said when one is in the
    state of ablution.
    An-Nawawi holds that both meanings may be implied from the hadith.

    Supplication after ablution

    'Umar reported that the Prophet, upon whom be peace, said, "If one
    completes (and perfects) the ablution and then says, 'I testify that
    there is no god except Allah, the One Who has no partner, and that
    Muhammad is His slave and Messenger," the eight gates of paradise will
    be opened for him and he may enter any of them that he wishes." (Related
    by Muslim.)
    Abu Sa'eed al-Khudri reported that the Prophet said, "Whoever makes
    ablution and says, 'Glory be to Thee, O Allah, and the praise be to
    Thee. I bear witness that there is no god except You. I beg Your
    forgiveness and I repent unto you,' will have it written for him, and
    placed on a tablet which will not be broken until the Day of
    Resurrection. This hadith is related by at-Tabarani in al-Ausat. Its
    narrators are of the sahih. An-Nasa'i has it with the wording. "It will
    be stamped with a seal, placed below the throne, and it will not be
    broken until the Day of Resurrection." The correct statement is that it
    is mauqoof.
    As for the supplication, "Allah, cause me to be from among the
    repentant, and cause me to be from among the pure," it has been narrated
    by at-Tirmizhi who said, "Its chain is muzhtarib and there is nothing
    authentic concerning this (supplication)."

    Praying two rak'ah after ablution

    Abu Hurairah reported that the Messenger of Allah, upon whom be peace,
    said to Bilal, "O Bilal, tell me what good deed you have done in Islam
    that I hear the sound of your footsteps in Paradise?" Bilal said, "That
    after I purify myself during the day or night, I pray with that
    purification as much as Allah has destined for me." (Related by
    al-Bukhari and Muslim.) 'Uqbah ibn 'Aamr related that the Messenger of
    Allah, upon whom be peace, said, "If one performs and perfects his
    ablution and prays two rak'ah with his heart and face (completely on his

    becomes his." (Related by Muslim, Abu Dawud, Ibn Majah and Ibn
    Khuzaimah in his Sahih.) Khumran, the client of 'Uthman, added, "I saw
    'Uthman call for water for ablution, pour it from the pot onto his right
    hand and wash it three times. He then put his right hand into the
    container, rinsed his mouth and nose and blew the water out. Then he
    washed his face three times, followed by his arms up to the elbows. Then
    he washed his feet three times and said 'I saw the Messenger of Allah,
    upon whom be peace, make ablution like this.' And then he would say,
    'Whoever makes ablution like this and then prays two rak'ah without
    having any other concern on his mind, all his past sins will be
    forgiven." (Related by al-Bukhari, Muslim and others.)
    Other practices (protecting the eyes and wrinkles, removing any rings,
    wiping the neck, and so on) have not been mentioned here as their
    narrations are still questionable. But, one may follow them as part of
    general cleanliness.

    Nullification of ablution

    It is not desirable that one who is making ablution
    should leave any of the sunan that have just been mentioned. The person
    would then lose the great reward of these (simple)acts. Anytime one
    abandons the sunnah, he has done a disliked deed.

    An excretion of the penis, vagina or anus
    This would include urine, feces (Allah says, "...or one of you comes
    from relieving himself," thus proving that such an act obligates a new
    purification), and releasing gas from the anus. Abu Hurairah reported
    that the Messenger of Allah said, "Allah does not accept the prayer of a
    person who has released gas until he makes a new ablution. A person
    from Hazhramaut asked Abu Hurairah, "What does releasing gas mean?" He
    answered, "Wind with or without sound." (Related by al-Bukhari and
    Muslim.) He also narrated that the Prophet said, "If one of you finds a
    disturbance in his abdomen and is not certain if he has released any gas
    or not, he should not leave the mosque unless he hears its sound or
    smells its scent." (Related by Muslim.)
    Hearing the escaping gas or smelling it is not a condition for
    nullifying ablution, but he stressed that one should be certain of the
    action. As for al-Mazhi (prostatic fluid), the Prophet said, "Make
    ablution." Concerning sperm or al-mani, said Ibn 'Abbas "It requires
    ghusl and for al-mazhi and al-wadi, wash your sex organs and make
    ablution." This was related by al-Baihaqi in his Sunan.
    Deep sleep that makes a person completely unaware of hissurroundings

    If the person did not keep his bottocks firmly seated on the floor while
    sleeping, he must make a new ablution. Safwan ibn 'Asal said, "The
    Prophet, upon whom be peace, used to order us while we were travelling
    not to take our socks off unless we were in post-sex impurity (i.e. not
    for defecation, urination or sleep)." (Related by Ahmad, an-Nasa'i and
    at-Tirmizhi, who graded it sahih.) If one's buttocks has remained firmly
    on the floor during his sleep, no new ablution is necessary. This is
    implied by the hadith of Anas who said, "The companions of the Prophet
    were waiting for the delayed night prayer until their heads began
    nodding up and down (from drowsiness and sleep). They would then pray
    without performing ablution." (Related by ash-Shaifi, Muslim, Abu Dawud
    and at-Tirmizhi.) The wording that at-Tirmizhi recorded from the chain
    of Shu'bah is, "I have seen the companions of the Prophet sleeping to
    the extent that one could hear some of them snoring. But, they would
    stand for prayer without a new ablution." Said Ibn alMubarak, "In our
    opinion, this happened when they were sitting."

    Loss of consciousness

    This nullifies the ablution regardless of whether it was owing to
    insanity, fainting, drunkenness, or some medicine. It also does not
    matter if one was unconscious for a short or long period of time, or if
    one was sitting, or fell to the earth, and so on. The aspect of
    unawareness here is greater than that of sleeping. The scholars are
    agreed on this point.

    Touching the sexual organ without any "barrier" between the hand and the organ

    Busrah bint Safwan narrated that the Prophet, upon whom be peace, said,
    "Whoever touches his sexual organ cannot pray until he performs
    This hadith is related by "the five." At-Tirmizhi classified it as sahih
    and al-Bukhari called it the most authentic report on that topic.
    Malik, ash-Shaifi, Ahmad and others also narrated it. Abu Dawud said, "I
    asked Ahmad, 'Is the hadith of Busrah authentic?' He said, 'Certainly
    it is authentic." In the narration of Ahmad and an-Nasa'i, Busrah heard
    the Prophet saying, "Ablution is to be made by the one who touches his
    sexual organ." This is general and encompasses touching one's own sexual
    organs or touching somebody else's. Abu Hurairah reported the Prophet
    as saying, "Whoever touches his sexual organ without any covering
    (between them) must perform ablution." (Related by Ahmad, Ibn Hibban and
    al-Hakim, who classified it as sahih, as did Ibn 'Abdul-Barr.)
    Said Ibn as-Sakin, "That hadith is from the best of what has been
    related on this topic." Ash-Shaf'i related: "Any man who touches his
    penis must perform ablution. Any women who touches her vagina must
    perform ablution." Commenting on its authenticity, Ibn alQayyim quotes
    al-Hazimi who says, "That chain is sahih." The Hanifiyyah are of the
    opinion, based on the following hadith, that touching the sexual organ
    does not nullify the ablution: "A man asked the Prophet if a man who
    touches his penis has to perform ablution. Said the Prophet, upon whom
    be peace, "No, it is just a part of you." (Related by "the five." Ibn
    Hibban classified it as sahih, and Ibn al-Madini said, "It is better
    than the hadith of Busrah.'')

    Touching a woman

    'Aishah related that the Messenger of Allah, upon whom be peace, kissed
    her while he was fasting and said, "Kissing does not nullify the
    ablution, nor does it break the fast." (Related by Ishaq ibn Rahawaih
    and al-Bazzar with a good chain.)
    Evaluating its authenticity, 'Abdul-Haqq says, "I do not know of any defect in the hadith that could cause its rejection."
    'Aishah also said, "One night, I missed the Messenger of Allah in my
    bed, and so went to look for him. I put my hand on the bottom of his
    feet while he was praying and saying, 'O Allah, I seek refuge in Your
    pleasure from Your anger, in Your forgiveness from Your punishment, in
    You from You. I cannot praise you as You have praised Yourself" (related
    by Muslim and at-Tirmizhi, who classified it as sahih.), and she also
    reported, 'The Prophet kissed some of his wives and went to prayer,
    without performing ablution." (Related by Ahmad and "the four,'' and its
    narrators are trustworthy.) She also said, "I would sleep in front of
    the Prophet, upon whom be peace, with my feet in the direction of the
    qiblah (to him). When he made prostrations, he would touch me, and I
    would Every Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah Thread_moved my feet." In another narration it says, "When he wanted to prostrate, he would touch my legs."

    Bleeding from an unusual place

    This involves bleeding due to a wound, Every Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah Cupping or a nosebleed, and regardless of whether the amount of blood is small or large.
    Said al-Hassan, "The Muslims still prayed even while wounded." (Related
    by al-Bukhari.) He also reported, "Ibn 'Umar squeezed a pimple until it
    bled, but he did not renew his ablution. Ibn Abi 'Uqiyy spat blood and
    continued his prayer. 'Umar ibn al-Khattab prayed while blood was
    flowing from him. 'Ibbad ibn Bishr was hit with an arrow while praying,
    but continued his prayers." (Related by Abu Dawud, Ibn Khuzaimah, and
    al-Bukhari in mu 'allaq form.)


    Regardless of whether the amount of vomit was great or small, there is no sound hadith that it nullifies ablution.
    Volume 1, Page 38b: Eating camel meat
    That this does not nullify the ablution was the opinion of the four
    rightly guided caliphs, the companions and the following generation,
    although there is an authentic hadith that states one should make
    ablution after it.
    Said Jabir ibn Sumrah, "A man asked the Prophet, 'Should we make
    ablution after eating mutton?' He said, 'If you wish, make ablution. If
    you do not, do not make ablution.' The man asked 'Should we make
    ablution after eating camel meat?' He said, 'Yes."' Al-Barra' ibn 'Aazib
    related that someone asked the Prophet about praying in the dens of
    camels, and he said, "Do not pray therein, for they are of the devils."
    He asked about the dens of sheep, and he said, "Pray therein, for they
    are blessings. (Related by Ahmad, Abu Dawud and Ibn Hibban. ) Ibn
    Khuzaimah said, "I know of no dispute over the authenticity of this
    report." In summation, an-Nawawi can be quoted as saying, "This opinion
    has the strongest proof, although the majority of the scholars differ
    from it."

    Of doubts whether or not one has released gas

    This is the case where the person cannot quite recall if he is in a
    state of purity or not. Such a state of mind does not nullify ablution,
    regardless of whether the person is in prayer or not, until he is
    certain that he has nullified his ablution. 'Abbad ibn Tameem related
    that his uncle queried the Prophet about a person who feels something in
    his abdomen while praying. Said the Prophet, "He should not leave (the
    prayer) until he hears it or smells it." (Related by Muslim, Abu Dawud
    and at-Tirmizhi). It does not mean that its sound or bad smell nullifies
    ablution, but that the person must be certain about the fact that he
    has nullified his ablution. Says Ibn al-Mubarak, "If one is uncertain
    about his condition of purity, he does not need to perform a new
    ablution." If one is certain that he has nullified his ablution and
    doubts whether he has purified himself or not, he must perform a new

    Laughing during prayer

    This does not nullify ablution, for there are no confirmed reports that state such a thing.

    Washing a dead person

    This also does not require a new ablution, for the reports that say it nullifies ablution are weak.
    You are obligated to make wudu for
    Any type of ritual prayer
    This involves only obligatory, voluntary, or funeral prayers, not the
    supplications (du'a). This is based on Allah's statement, "O you who
    believe. When you get up to perform a prayer (salah) wash your face and
    your arms up to the elbows and wipe your head and feet to the ankles."
    Also, the Messenger of Allah, upon whom be peace, said, "Allah does not
    accept a prayer (that was performed while the person) was not in a state
    of purity. Nor does he accept charity from misappropriated booty."
    (Related by "the group," except for al-Bukhari.)

    Circumambulating the Ka'bah

    Ibn 'Abbas reported that the Messenger of Allah said, "Circumambulation
    is a type of prayer, but Allah has permitted speaking during it. Whoever
    speaks during it should only speak good."
    This hadith is related by at-Tirmizhi, ad-Daraqutni, al-Hakim, Ibn as-Sakin and Ibn Khuzaimah, who classified it as sahih.

    Touching a copy of the Qur'an

    Abu Bakr ibn Muhammad related from his father on the authority of his
    grandfather that the Prophet, upon whom be peace, sent a letter to the
    people of

    Yemen which stated, "No one is to touch the Qur'an except one who is purified."
    This hadith is related by an-Nasa'i, ad-Daraqutni, al-Baihaqi and
    al-Athram. Of its chain, Ibn 'Abdul-Barr says, "It appears to be a
    continuous transmission." 'Abdullah ibn 'Umar reported that the Prophet,
    upon whom be peace, said, "No one is to touch the Qur'an unless he has
    purified himself." (Al-Haithami mentioned it in Majma' az-Zawaid and
    said its narrators are trustworthy.) Apparently, this hadith has a
    problem. The word "purify" must have one particular meaning here.
    Therefore, to say that one who has a minor defilement may not touch the
    Qur'an makes no sense. Concerning Allah's statement, "...which none
    touches save the purified," (alWaqi'ah 79), apparently the pronoun
    refers to "the Book kept hidden" (from the preceding verse) and that is
    "the well-preserved tablet" and the "purified" refers to the angels,
    which is similar to the verses, "On honored scrolls, exalted, purified,
    (set down) by scribes, noble and righteous" (Abasah 13-16). Ibn 'Abbas,
    ashSha'bi, azh-Zhahak, Zaid ibn 'Ali, al-Mu'aiyad Billah, Dawud, Ibn
    Hazm and Hammad ibn Abu Sulaiman are of the opinion that one who has a
    minor defilement may touch the Qur'an. Most of the scholars, however,
    agree that such people may recite the Qur'an without touching it.
    What is mustahab or recomendedto make wudu for
    While mentioning the name of Allah
    Al-Muhajir ibn Qunfuzh related that he greeted the Prophet, upon whom be
    peace, but that the latter did not return his salutation until he had
    made ablution: "There is nothing that prevented me from responding to
    you except that I do no like to mention the name of Allah unless I am in
    a state of purity." Said Qatadah, "Because of this, al-Hassan hated to
    recite the Qur'an or mention Allah's name unless he had performed
    ablution. (Related by Amad, Abu Dawud, an-Nasa'i and Ibn Majah.)
    Raeported Abu Juhaim ibn al-Harith, "The Prophet, upon whom be peace,
    met a person at the well of Jaml, who greeted him, but he did not return
    his greeting until he had wiped his face and hands." (Related by Ahmad,
    al-Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawud and an-Nasa'i.) This action was one of
    preference, not of obligation. Mentioning the name of Allah is
    permissible for the one who is in a state of purity, one who has a minor
    impurity, a person in post-sex impurity, or one who is standing,
    sitting, and so on. Said 'Aishah, "The Messenger of Allah used to
    remember Allah at all times." (Related by "the five," except for
    an-Nasa'i.) Al-Bukhari recorded it in mu'alliq form.) Reported 'Ali,
    "The Messenger of Allah would come from relieving himself, recite to us
    and eat meat with us. Nothing would stop him from the Qur'an except
    post-sex impurity." (Related by "the five." At-Tirmizhi and Ibn as-Sakin
    categorized it as sahih.)

    Going to sleep

    Al-Barra' ibn 'Aazib reported that the Messenger of Allah, upon whom be
    peace, said, "When you go to your bed, perform ablution, lie on your
    right side and then say, 'O Allah, I submit my soul to You, and I turn
    my face to You. I entrust my affairs to You. I retreat unto You for
    protection with hope and fear in You. There is no resort and no savior
    but You. I affirm my faith in Your books which You revealed and in Your
    prophets you sent.' If you die during that night, you will be along the
    natural path. Make it your final statement (of the night). He reported
    that he repeated this supplication to the Prophet, upon whom be peace,
    and he said, "...and Your messengers." The Prophet interjected,
    "No,...'and the prophets You sent." (Related by Ahmad, al-Bukhari, and
    at-Tirmizhi.) This also applies to one who is in post-sex impurity . Ibn
    'Umar asked the Prophet, "O Messenger of Allah, can one of us sleep
    while he is in post-sex impurity?" The Prophet answered, "Yes, if he
    makes ablution." Reported 'Aishah, "When the Prophet, upon whom be
    peace, wanted to sleep in a state of post-sex impurity, he would wash
    his private parts and perform ablution." (Related by "the group.")

    To reEvery Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah Thread_moved a sexual impurity

    If a person in a state of post-sex impurity wants to eat, drink or have intercourse again, he should perform ablution.
    Said 'Aishah, "When the Prophet, upon whom be peace, was in a state of
    impurity because of intercourse and wanted to eat or sleep, he would
    perform ablution." 'Ammar ibn Yasar reported that the Prophet permitted a
    person in post-sex impurity to eat, drink or sleep if he performed
    ablution first. (Related by Ahmad and at-Tirmizhi, who classified it as
    Abu Sa'eed reported that the Prophet, upon whom be peace, said, "If one
    has intercourse with his wife and wants to repeat the act, he should
    perform ablution." (Related by "the group," except for al-Bukhari. Ibn
    Khuzaimah, Ibn Hibban and al-Hakim recorded it with the addition, "It
    makes the return more vivacious.")

    Before performing ghusl

    It is preferred to perform ablution before ghusl regardless of whether
    that particular ghusl was an obligatory or a preferred act. Said
    'Aishah, "When the Messenger of Allah, upon whom be peace, performed
    post-sex ghusl, he would begin by washing his hands and then pour water
    from his right hand to his left and wash his private parts. He would
    then perform ablution.." (Related by "the group.")

    Before eating food touched by fire

    Said Ibrahim ibn 'Abdullah ibn Qarizh, "I passed by Abu Hurairah while
    he was performing ablution and he said, 'Do you know why I am making
    ablution? It is because I ate some yoghurt dried over a fire, for I
    heard the Messenger of Allah say, 'Perform ablution before eating food
    touched by fire." (Related by Ahmad, Muslim and "the four.")
    'Aishah related that the Prophet, upon whom be peace, said, "Perform
    ablution from whatever touches fire." (Related by Ahmad, Muslim,
    an-Nasa'i and Ibn Majah.) This order is one of preference as the
    following hadith makes clear: 'Amr ibn Umayyah azhZhamari said, "I saw
    the Messenger of Allah, upon whom be peace, cutting a piece of a sheep's
    shoulder and eating it. He was then called to prayer. He put the knife
    down, prayed, and did not perform another ablution." (Related by
    al-Bukhari and Muslim.)

    Renewing the ablution for every prayer

    Said Buraidah, "The Prophet, upon whom be peace, made ablution for every
    prayer. On the day of the conquest of Makkah, he made ablution, wiped
    over his socks and prayed a number of times with just one ablution.
    'Umar said to him, 'O Messenger of Allah, you did something that you
    have not done (before).' He answered, 'I did it on purpose, 'Umar."'
    (Related by Ahmad, Muslim and others.)
    Said Anas ibn Malik, "The Prophet, upon whom be peace, used to make
    ablution for every prayer." He was asked, "And what did you people use
    to do?" Malik said, "We prayed the prayers with one ablution unless we
    nullified it." (Related by Ahmad and al-Bukhari . )
    Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said, "Were it not to be a
    hardship on my people, I would order them to make ablution for every
    prayer." (Related by Ahmad with a hassan chain.)
    Ibn 'Umar reported that the Prophet, upon whom be peace, said, "Whoever
    makes ablution while he is already in a state of purity will have ten
    good deeds written for him."~� (Related by Abu Dawud,
    , and Ibn Majah

    الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

    شمس الغروب
    عضو مشارك

    شمس الغروب

    المهنة : Every Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah Collec10
    الجنس : انثى
    علم الدوله : Every Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah 46496510
    العمر : 25
    تاريخ التسجيل : 22/07/2010
    عدد المساهمات : 755

    Every Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah _
    #6مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Every Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah   Every Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah Subscr10الأحد أغسطس 29, 2010 7:03 am

    Every Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah

    Notes of importance concerning ablution
    It is permissible to speak while performing ablution. There is nothing reported from the sunnah that prohibits it.
    Making supplications while washing the extremities is based on false
    hadith. It is best for the person to use only the supplications
    mentioned under the Sunnah Acts of Ablution.
    If the person who is making ablution has a doubt concerning how many
    times he has washed a particular part of the body, he should go by the
    number he is certain about.
    If any barrier or substance with weight, such as wax, is found on the body, it would invalidate one's ablution unless it is reEvery Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah Thread_movedd and the ablution is performed again. Coloring, like henna, is permissible, as it does not affect the ablution's correctness.
    People with unusual circumstances (i.e. women with "prolonged flows of
    blood"), people who cannot control their urine, people with flatulence,
    and so on, should perform one ablution for each prayer whether their
    problem exists all or part of the time. Their prayers will be acceptable
    even while their problems are occuring.
    One may be assisted by others in performing ablution.
    One may use a towel to dry himself during any time of the year.

    Proof of its legitimacy (Almaseh

    Wiping over the socks is part
    of the sunnah. An-Nawawi states, "All those who qualify for ijma'
    (consensus) agree that it is allowed to wipe over the socks--during
    travelling or at home, if needed or not--even a woman who stays at home
    or a handicapped person who cannot walk can do so. The Shi'ah and
    Khawarij reject it, but their rejection is not valid. Says Ibn Hajr in
    Fath al-Bari, "All of the preservers (of hadith) are of the opinion that
    wiping over the socks has come through a continuous transmission. Some
    have Every Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah Collapse_tcatlected
    all of its narrations (from among the companions), and its number
    exceeds eighty. This includes hadith from the ten pepole who were
    The strongest hadith on this point has been related by Ahmad,
    al-Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawud and at-Tirmizhi on the authority of Hammam
    anNakha'i who said, "Jarir ibn 'Abdullah urinated, performed ablution
    and wiped over his socks." It was said to him, "You do that and you have
    urinated?" He said, "Yes, I saw the Messenger of Allah, upon whom be
    peace, urinate and then do likewise." Said Ibrahim, "They were amazed at
    that hadith, because Jarir had embraced Islam after surah al-Ma'idah
    was revealed (10 AH). One of its verses calls for washing one's feet.
    This hadith helps us understand the verse by confining it to one who is
    not wearing socks. This constitutes a particular case, and the person
    who wears socks can just wipe over them.

    Wiping over slippers
    It is allowed to wipe over slippers, as this has been related from many
    companions. Says Abu Dawud, "Wiping over sandals (has been done by) 'Ali
    ibn Abu Talib, Ibn Mas'ud, al-Barra' ibn 'Aazib, Anas ibn Malik, Abu
    Umamah, Sahl ibn Sa'd and 'Amr ibn Hareeth. It has also been related
    from 'Umar ibn al-Khattab and Ibn 'Abbas." 'Ammar, Bilal ibn 'Abdullah
    ibn Abu Aufi and Ibn 'Umar also have hadith on this subejct. In Ibn
    alQayyim's Tahzhib as-Sunan, he relates from Ibn al-Munzhir, "Ahmad made
    a statement about the permissibility of wiping over slippers because of
    his fairness and justice. Nevertheless, the basis of this
    permissibility is the practice of the companions and a manifest analogy.
    There is no real difference between socks and slippers. It is correct
    that they take the same ruling. Most scholars say that one can wipe over
    either one." Those who permit it include Sufyan al-Thauri, Ibn
    al-Mubarak, 'Ata, al-Hasan and Sa'eed ibn alMusayyab. Commenting on this
    subject, Abu Yusuf and Muhammad said, "It is allowed to wipe over them
    if they are thick and completely hide what they cover."
    Abu Hanifah did not approve of wiping over thick slippers, but he
    changed his mind three or seven days before his death. He wiped over his
    slippers during his illness and said to his visitors, "I did what I
    used to tell people not to do." Al-Mughirah ibn Shu'bah reported that
    the Messenger of Allah, upon whom be peace, made ablution and wiped over
    his socks and slippers. This is related by Ahmad, at-Tahawi, Ibn Majah
    and at-Tirmizhi, who called it hassan sahih. Abu Dawud graded it weak.2
    As it is permissible to wipe over socks so is it permissible to wipe over any foot covering, which has been used to avoid the Every Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah Collapse_tcatd
    or protect the wound, and so on. Of its permissibility, Ibn Taimiyyah
    says, "It is all right to wipe over foot covering because it takes
    precedence over wiping socks or slippers, for usually a foot covering is
    used for some need and to protect the feet from some harm. If wiping
    over the socks and slippers is allowed, then wiping over any foot
    covering should come first. Whoever claims that there is a consensus on
    the inadmissibility of wiping over foot coverings does so with a lack of
    knowledge. Not to speak of a consensus, he cannot prove its forbiddance
    even from the works of ten famous scholars." He goes on to say,
    "Whoever ponders over the words of the Messenger of Allah, upon whom be
    peace, and gives analogy its proper place, will know that the license
    from him was spacious on this subject and in accord with the beauty of
    Islamic law and the monotheistic magnanimity with which the Prophet had
    been sent." Even if there are some holes or cuts in the socks, it is
    permissible to wipe over them, as long as the person has only such socks
    to wear. Says al-Thauri, "The slippers of the emigrants and helpers
    were not free of cuts or holes, like the slippers of the people (in
    general). If this were a matter of concern, it would have been mentioned
    and related by them."

    Conditions for wiping over the socks
    One must have put his socks (or whatever covering he is using) while in a state of purity.
    Said al-Mughirah ibn Shu'bah, "I was with the Messenger of Allah, upon
    whom be peace, one night during an expedition. I poured water for him to
    make ablution. He washed his face and arms and wiped his head. Then I
    went to reEvery Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah Thread_moved
    his socks and he said, 'Leave them on, as I put them on while I was in a
    state of purity,' and he just wiped over them." (Related by Ahmad,
    al-Bukhari and Muslim).
    Al-Humaidi related in his Musnad that al-Mughirah reported, "We said, 'O
    Messenger of Allah, may we wipe over our socks?' He said, 'Yes, if you
    put them on while you were in a state of purity." The stipulations by
    the jurists that the socks must completely cover the foot to the ankle,
    and that one must be able to walk (a distance) in them alone, has been
    shown by Ibn Taimiyyah in his al-Fatawa to be weak.

    The place to be wiped on a sock
    Islamic law prescribes that the top of the sock is to be wiped.
    Said al-Mughirah, "I saw the Messenger of Allah, upon whom be peace,
    wipe over the top of his socks." (Related by Ahmad, Abu Dawud and
    at-Tirmizhi, who called it hassan.) 'Ali observed, "If the religion was
    based on opinion, the bottom of the sock would take preference in being
    wiped to the top of the sock." (Related by Abu Dawud and ad-Daraqutni
    with a hassan or sahih chain.) What is obligatory in the wiping is what
    is meant by the lexicographical meaning of the word "wipe." There are no
    specifications authentically mentioned with respect to the wiping.
    Volume 1, Page 46a: The duration of the wiping
    For the resident, this period is one day and night. For the traveller,
    it is three days and nights. Said Safwan ibn 'Assal, "We were ordered
    (by the Prophet) to wipe over the socks if we were in a state of purity
    when we put them on, for three days if we were travellers, and for one
    day and night if we were residents. We did not reEvery Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah Thread_moved
    them unless we were in post-sex impurity." (Related by ash-Shaf~i,
    Ahmad, Ibn Khuzaimah, at-Tirmizhi, and an-Nasa'i, who graded it sahih.)
    Shuraih ibn Hani said, "I asked 'Aishah about wiping over socks and she
    answered, 'For the traveller, three days and three nights; for the
    resident, one day and night." This hadith is related by Ahmad, Muslim,
    at-Tirmizhi, an-Nasa'i and Ibn Majah. Of its authenticity, al-Baihaqi
    says, "This is the most authentic report on this topic." Some say that
    the duration begins with the time of the wiping, while others say it
    begins from the time of nullifying the ablution after wearing the socks.

    The de******ion of the wiping
    After the person completes his ablution and puts on his socks or
    slippers, it is proper for him to wipe over them later on when he wants
    to perform ablution. He is permitted to do that for one day and night if
    he is resident, and for three days and nights if he is a traveller. But
    if he is in post-sex impurity, he must reEvery Thing You Want To Know About Purification...taharah Thread_moved his socks, in accordance with the preceding hadith of Safwan.

    What invalidates the wiping
    The following invalidates the wiping:
    -1- The end of the permissible time period for wiping.
    -2- Post-sex impurity.
    -3- Removal of the socks. If (i) or (iii) occurs while the person was in a state of purity, he need only wash his feet.



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    تاريخ التسجيل : 28/11/2009
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